
Joeri Capens KoffieNews  
KoffieNews is a Java-based Usenet news reader. It supports B-News, yEnc, UUenc and Base64 decoding of binaries. For posting binaries, it supports the yEnc and UUenc format.

Just like BommaNews and BompaNews, it has been designed for use with the newsbin.telenet.be server from the Belgian Telenet ISP. But off course it can be used with any other news (usenet) server that supports binaries.

KoffieNews is free software released under the GPL, developers wishing to contribute to this program can contact me at: .
Joeri Capens Development Progress 2004-10-16
The development after version 0.93 has slowed down because of the following reasons:
  • Partial rewrite for the new Java version: J2SE 5.0
  • Partial rewrite to use more program events in order to reduce program complexity (and avoid bugs)
  • I have a full-time job now, which doesn't leave me a lot of time for developing KoffieNews
The changes to make are not complex but simply require a lot of time.

The next version may have no new features at all and may contain just as much (but different) bugs as the current version. All changes will be made in order to reduce the program's complexity and make it more future-proof.
Joeri Capens Beta Testing 2004-08-26
If you wish to help me with testing this software, please mail me at and I will add you to a list of beta testers and notify you whenever there is a new beta release.
Joeri Capens First Release 2004-08-24
The first test release is now available in the download section. Please note that this is a beta version which does contain bugs and which does not support multipart yEnc uploading yet.

If you have any comment about this site, please don't hesitate to mail me: .